What are Karma Filter Tips?
Karma Filter Tips are specially created RYO cigarette filters that offer an enriching smoking experience while being designed to change Cigarette Waste into something awesome!
With over 6.09 billion pounds of degradation-resistant, synthetic filters littering every nook and cranny of the planet every year, these filters can reverse the effects of this pollution in just a few years!

Karma tips (Orginal)
The real hand-made Filter Tips with live plant seeds which when rolled with your cigarettes not just enhance your smoking experience but also grows plants from the cigarette butts once thrown away. These RYO Filter Tips are 100% biodegradable and 100% Chemical free ensuring a high tar and nicotine absorption while eradicating all chemical aftertaste you may get from other filters and tips. Available in two sizes Regular and XL.
Karma Tips (Seedless)
These hand-made Tips are highly absorbent and remove excess tar and nicotine from your cigarette to give you an unsurpassed smoking experience. These are 100% biodegradable and 100% Chlorine Free. Available in two sizes Regular and XL.
Karma Paper Bags and Stationary
Give your Brand the 'Wow' factor with our Seeded Paper Bags and Stationary. These items made from our unique Karma paper, sprout plants after your consumers are done using them. Tearing them up and planting them in pots will grow plants like Basil, Amaranth, Celosia etc.
With almost 6 billion trees being cut every year for the paper industry alone, the Karma wood-less paper bags and Stationary, not just saves a tree but actually plants more them for a greener future, making it a great CSR initiative for your brand too.
Natural Rolling Papers
Made from Natural ingredients to offer you the most natural and pure experience that enhances the very flavour of the tobacco you are rolling with them. They leave no chemical aftertaste and when combined with the Karma Tips smoking experience is unsurpassed. Available in Chemical-Free Browns, Superfine Whites and Organic Hemp, both in Kingsize and Minis.

Karma Tips (Floral)
These hand-made Tips are highly absorbent and remove excess tar and nicotine from your cigarette to give you an unsurpassed smoking experience. The Tips contain flower seeds and they will soon blossom into flowers wherever you throw your cigarette butts. These are 100% biodegradable and 100% Chlorine Free. Available in two sizes Regular and XL.

Roaring20s Rolling Paper
These brown beauties are made exactly the way the connoisseurs loved it when rolling your own baccie was the thing to do, in the Roaring 1920s. These are pleasurably slow burning, chlorine free papers have no chemical aftertaste and aredelightfully 'even burning'. They get our votes too when they're called "...the best papers, ever!". Available only as a Chlorine-free, brown rolling paper in Kingsize and Small.

Did you
Know ?
The Most Commonly Found Pieces Of Trash
In Oceans
4.5 Trillion Cigarette Butts Littered Every Year
Most Synthetic Cigarette Butts Take Over 15
Years To Decompose Partially
Synthetic Cigarette Butts Constitue Over
30% Of The Total Pieces Of Garbage
Collected From The Sea

Butts to Buds
To tickle the conscience of the smokers, we created butts using 100% organic and non-toxic paper, made of fruit pulp, vegetable extracts and more importantly herbal and flowering seeds. All the smokers have to do now is to stick the butts in the soil or chuck them into the fields. So that the seeds in the cigarette butts would sprout into different plants.
The world caught on to it quickly and the media allover the world took great interest in this unique innovation. Imagine a day, when we can plant 5 trillion trees on this planet instead of polluting it for the successive generations.